For almost a decade, Lucas Thomas has been helping people create wealth, generate passive-income, and ultimately become existence masters. If ​YOU need help building, implementing, and executing YOUR FINANCIAL PLAN, Lucas can help you make it all a reality.
Having years of expertise in Real Estate, Paper Assets (Stocks, REITS, Seller Finances, Note-Making, etc.), and Business Creation (Serial Entrepreneur.), he has a holistic knowledge that can help you build your Portfolio of Wealth without having to take on any unnecessary risk. If their is a yield, Lucas Thomas has gleaned it!

How I Achieved F.I.R.E.
(Financial Independence and Retire Early)

what people say
about lucas...
"Luke has been helping me for years. He helped me become more confident in my finances, overcome $100,000 Student Loan Debt, and gave me the option to RETIRE EARLY. All with the help of his Financial Planning and Advise. He Truly is My RIGHT-HAND Man"
"The way Lucas changed my life, I would probably say, I'm in a financial position to be able to live life in my terms: To work when I want, sleep when I want, travel when I want without having to worry (about money)"
"Luke was referred to me and it was our first call, I can just tell that he knew what he was talking about and have a good direction, and understood real estate and business as a whole. We were able to speak the same language in business, that's why I decided to use Luke"